Who We Work With

We work with individuals and families who have at least $2,000,000 in investable assets with us when they retire. You may have already accumulated this level of wealth, or you may benefit from advice on how to get there. Below are 3 examples of the types of clients we specialize in helping. 

Samantha and Karl are in their mid 30’s with $320,000 saved. 

Samantha is an oncologist who maxes out her company retirement plan and wants to put even more money away in savings.

Karl works at a growing tech start-up and has accumulated stock options, but isn’t sure what to do with them.

Karl and Samantha both want to save efficiently for retirement as well as other financial goals. 


Harrison is 52 years old and works as a Sr. Scientific Director.

From his own savings and a small inheritance he has 1.8 million dollars split between a brokerage account and an IRA.

Harrison wants to work for 8 more years, and then travel through Asia. 

Harrison wants to make sure his kids are supported, but also that he has enough money they don’t need to support him. 

Mariana is 64 years old and is finalizing the sale of her business for $6,500,000.  

This money will need to provide her income for the rest of her life. 

Philanthropy and community causes are very important to Mariana, and she wants to give back, 

Mariana has managed her own finances in the past, but now wants an advisor so she can focus on her community service.  

Click here to schedule an introductory phone call and tell us your story. If we are a fit, great! If we aren’t, we’ll work to help you find what is best for you. 

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